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English has become one of the most important tools in all professions. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of fears in the mind of too many college students in Taiwan, especially those in technical colleges, when they face English — talking to foreign tourists, for example — even after about 10 years of studies in English. In other words, they are not well prepared to enter their professional life after graduation, so to speak. Obtaining good proficiency in English is a must to gain an edge in hunting for a thriving career.
There is no magic way to learn English well other than practicing — speaking, reading, and writing alike. Teachers are encouraged to offer students a good deal of practicing opportunities, and to adopt English-only environment when delivering their courses. The lessons in this book include articles in information technology (IT) related fields. They provide not just English learning material, but also introductions to recent developments in IT, which is also essential for people to excel in this information era.
My task for this edition is to make corrections on the previous one, and to expand the content in order to explore the recent development in all related technical fronts. I don’t have enough time to complete all of this. Only after June do I agree to pick up this job, and I have spent a lot of time on correcting the typo and grammatical errors to make the book more readable, especially on Lesson 11, “A Man On The Move.”
I originally intent to add three lessons in this edition: about OLED, Bluetooth and Knowledge Management. However, due to the constraint of time and copyright issues, I was unable to complete the whole task. Lesson 13 about OLED is added. I also include some information about Bluetooth in Appendix B, and hopefully to expand it into a whole lesson in the future editions.
Users of this book are cordially invited to provide their precious suggestions and/or corrections to this book so that the quality of this book can be maintained, and even improved.