
UML Explained

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  • UML Explained

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    內容簡介 UML Explained is an approachable, non-technical introduction to the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the standard graphical notation for modeling the elements, structure, and behaviors of object-oriented software systems. Assuming no prior knowledge of the UML, object-oriented design, or programming fundamentals, this book fully explains basic concepts and terminology such as objects, classes, and use cases. It shows how the UML integrates with an iterative and incremental process. Numerous sample UML diagrams and a running example throughout the book help you understand how to apply the UML to real-world software development. Also included is a comprehensive glossary of important terms. You will learn about such essentials as: The importance of visual modeling How the UML identifies objects and classes Capturing requirements and defining use cases with the UML How to extend the UML and enhance visual models Modeling the details of object behavior with activity diagrams and statechart diagrams Component and deployment diagrams Whether you are a non-technical professional who needs to understand software development activities within the workplace or a system designer who has never worked with the UML before, UML Explained is the perfect place to start.

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