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內容簡介 This book is a text for students learning automatic control systems and a reference for those pursuing careers in industry. When readers select a measuring sensor or a control valve, this book will refresh them about the important details that must be considered. When they interconnect the sensor and control valve into a communicating network, this book will remind them of the important methods for minimizing interference from electrical and magnetic fields. When they tune a controller, it will guide them toward establishing a desirable control loop response to a disturbance. The concepts discussed in this book focus on a classic process control loop with its four major blocks: the measuring sensor block, the controller block, the process adjustment block, and the process block. Design procedures include the selection of measuring sensors and control valves. The sensors concentrate on the measurement of temperature, pressure, flow rate, and level, and analysis of humidity and electrolytic conductivity. Also covered is the design of network wiring to minimize interference. Operational procedures show the presentation of process information for safely monitoring the trajectory of a changing process (e.g., trend display and alarm status), and they describe control loop responses to disturbances. The financial investment in this kind of equipment is also reviewed. Maintenance procedures emphasize calibration of measuring sensors. Maintenance of a network to minimize interference from inadvertent grounds on the network is also described. Additionally, the tuning of controllers to achieve a desirable response to disturbances is emphasized. Each chapter begins with objectives that present the concepts covered. At the end of each chapter are sets of questions and problems, suggested practical lab assignments, and references that provide additional resources on the concepts covered in this book. Selected problems have answers in Appendix C.